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Snow clearing on the road into Ørsdalen

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List of timings: (You can see the current "time" in the bottom left-hand corner of the picture if you hold the mouse over the picture whilst it's playing).
0.00 start and heads towards Ørsdalen. 1.40 by ski centre and into the tunnel. 1.50 - 3.15 down the hill into Ørsdalen (nice view over the valley at 2.30). 3.15 turns round and heads back up the hill, reaching the tunnel at 4.20. 5.20 past the farm at Austrumdalen and then alongside the Austrumdal Lake until 7.00. Down the hill, reaching Malmei (where we turn left to go to Vikeså) at 8.00 and turning round to head back towards Ørsdalen again. 9.23 meet the school bus. Lake now on the right. By 10.00 we're back at the Austrumdalen farm (which we left at 5.20).