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Film clips of the village / area around the house


Scroll down for a selection of film clips
(Valley photos here)

Click image, above, to see film of the entire district, starting at nearest town Egersund, coming into Bjerkreim (timing 1.16), flying over our lake (1.29) and into �rsdalen (1.41).

Click image, above, to drive with me from the �rsdalen tunnel home to our house (summer).

Click image, above, to drive into the �rsdalen tunnel on a typical winter's day.

Click image, above, for a more hair-raising drive from the lake at �rsdalen and out nearly to Vikes� - in three-and-a-half minutes! Hang on tight on the bends!

Clearing snow from between the house and garage.

Looking out from the house in early spring.

Snow blowing over the frozen lake.

Very early spring down at the river near the house.

Click image, above, for 360° film clip of house and its surroundings (winter).

Click image, above, for 360° film clip of house and its surroundings (summer). It's not as windy as it sounds!